
Blog Archives

Travel by Plane or Brain: Reap the Same Benefits

I love to travel! I’m mindful 89% of my waking hours. I’m acutely observant of others….our differences and similarities. I’m more patient and accommodating. I’m more creative and in tune. I believe this is true of many of us when we travel…that we observe more, are more aware, more in sync, more thoughtful.

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Are Smart Drugs the Answer for You?

Want a competitive edge? Want a boost of energy, enhanced focus and productivity, stamina and clarity? Smart drugs may be the answer. Or maybe not…

Smart drugs are taking the tech and startup scene by storm. No longer are these nootropics a whisper; they are front and center and pushers promise to give you a leg up.

For now, I’m not going to weigh in on the topic except to say there’s something even better.

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