

Learning Calm in a Type A World

I’m a recovering Type A stress ball. I had to learn Calm. Last week, I read They Make Trains Run on Time, but at What Cost? and thought of myself. I fall in the category of The Very Organized and hail my “virtues” (the author knows me too well):

Efficiency – Check. Organization – Check. Respect for Deadlines – Check. Attention to Detail – Check. Discipline – Check. Anticipation of Risks – Check.

The Cons (must we be so harsh!) to falling in the Organized category:

Lack of Creativity – Uh oh. Loss of Spontaneity – Yup. Discomfort with Novelty – Mm. Lack of Openness to Ideas – Hm. Conformity – Sad. Too much Caution – Yikes.

I give myself credit…the latter used to be me. Stress is hard on your mind and body. And my desire to feel better brought me to the field of Mindfulness and Meditation. Immersing myself in these studies years ago put all the “lack” in Check (see Cons above).

This can also be you. A balance between the Hyper Organized and the Free Flower is optimal.

Disclaimer: I still work DAILY on relaxing–not vegging on the sofa, but finding Calm in the moment, spending time in quiet meditation every day, being mindful most of the time and breathing deeply a lot.

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