
Blog Archives

Shrouded in Shame, Found My Soul

sunset in tuscanyFrom time to time, I’ll post inspirational stories. That’s what we all want anyway, isn’t it…to be inspired and for our employees to feel inspired? I hope this story inspires you as the experience inspired me.

I’m shoving my way through the priority line, of which I am not a member.  I notice a slightly rotund woman of deep color in unappealing clothes to my left and think, “She’s not in first class, so I can push through.”  The next time I notice her she is sitting two rows beyond me…in first class…where I am not.  I survey her briefly.  Straw visor…no sun in airport, not much on plane.  Large-floral print, short-sleeved blouse…not very becoming.  Shorter in stature and stout.

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