

Algebra Affects You and This Is How

How does algebra help you? Hint: It has nothing to do with math.

Equation: X + Y = Z

The variables:

X = the positive you put in

Y = the negative you put in

Z = what you get out of life (at home, at work, at school, and everywhere in between)

Examples for X Examples for Y
engaging in physical activity sitting all day at home and at work
eating food you believe to be healthy stewing over your boss’ decision
spending time with friends worrying about your kids
appreciating work, school, home environments resenting your spouse
spending time on things you enjoy (hobbies) complaining about your colleagues
enjoying time outdoors/in nature dreading anything
meditating or practicing deep breathing criticizing yourself and/or others


Too simple? Not really.

Create your own list of Xs and Ys. The more Xs and the fewer Ys you put in, the better your life will be…at home, at work, at school.

Pump up your Xs and watch as your Z becomes more fun, more exciting, more stimulating, more productive, more focused, more joyful. You could even test the theory by emphasizing the Ys (the negatives) for a week and watch the downturn your mood and work takes.

photo source: keerati/

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