

Personal Wellness in 2015: How Does It Look?

Happy New Year!

As a wellness advocate, I would be remiss if I did not offer my vision for personal wellness for ALL in 2015, so here goes…

I will move my body more.

I will enjoy my body more.

I will spend more time outside.

I will drink more water.

I will eat more fruits and vegetables.

I will enjoy the food I eat more.

I will appreciate my job more.

I will appreciate my family more.

I will focus more on the positive in myself, in my family, in my community and at work instead of complaining about what I can’t control.

I will build people up instead of tearing them down.

I will spend more time with friends raving, not ranting.

I will talk more about what I do like and less about what I don’t.

I will daydream more.

I will take time to meditate every day even if it means just focusing on my breath for 15 minutes.

I will be more “in the moment” when I’m getting ready, when I’m driving, when I’m in a meeting, when I’m making dinner.

I will do more of what I enjoy…reading, painting, playing soccer, growing petunias.

I will do less racing and more relaxing.

I will choose optimism over pessimism.

I will write these affirmations, and I will live what I write. I will refer to them every day and remember why I wrote them. I will be a beacon of light (or at least strive for a faint glow).

I will not be hard on myself when I eat chips or forget to meditate. Instead I will embrace every day as a new year and begin again.

Read here how to implement each of these. And come back each week for specifics on improving wellness, both professionally and personally.

photo courtesy of stuart miles/

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