

What Does Meditating at Work Look Like?

Despite what you may think, you can meditate anywhere anytime. But in case you need a visual tour…

corporate meditation rooms

You could meditate on top of your conference room table (but let’s get real).

Corporate Meditation Rooms

You could meditate in your company meditation room (lucky you if you have one!).

corporate meditation rooms

You could participate in a group meditation.

Corporate Meditation Rooms

You can stand by your window and zone out (just hold on if you close your eyes).

corporate meditation rooms

You could go outside and meditate (if your office campus looks like this outside, EVERYBODY will be outside meditating).

Corporate Meditation Rooms

You can meditate at your desk while others around you work (dangle a “Meditating” sign around your neck so no one disturbs).

corporate meditation rooms

You can use your company’s massage services and meditate lying down (good for you if you have this option).

corporate meditation rooms

You can do a walking meditation (I’m sure this guy’s listening to nature sounds).

Idea on the toilet seat

Last resort, sit on the toilet (but ditch the laptop).

Now, you’re off and running (or meditating). Get to it.

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